Howie Hooper, Nina Peterson, Steve Kennedy, and Dave Doron

Nina Peterson and Steve Kennedy form an acoustic duo that features a wide variety of instantly recognizable classic songs from pop, country, the American song book, rhythm and blues as well songs from both Nina and Steve’s collection of self written tunes.

Bacporch Dave Doran and Howie Hooper are independent artists who perform together from time to time. Bacporch  Dave’s song writing  follows his love of the laid back classic blues, heavily influenced by the time he spent living in New Mexico. Howie Hooper mixes traditional country, blues, folk, rock-a-billy, with  a passion for heartfelt story telling and  infused with wry humour. Howie is active in the community, as a performer, songwriter, coordinator of Writer’s Block ( a learning forum for songwriters), coordinator of The Great Canadian Song-Along, Host of a Center Stage, a weekly open mic, and Howie Hoopers Songwriting Circus (songwriter showcase rounds).

Combined these artists have recorded and published their songs and continue to perform on a regular basis. Their luscious harmonies, melodic vocals and innovative guitar playing come together to produce a very pleasing and entertaining listening experience for all ages

