Ian Tamblyn

At last count Ian has released 44 albums. His last two albums, Let It Go and Te Na Gadino were released in 2018. As well Ian has written several plays, the most recent production being Nun of It 

which was presented September 15-17th, 2019 at the Black Sheep as part of the Ta! DA! Festival. 

Ian has received several awards for his music, he has an honourary doctorate from Lakehead University and a Distinguished Alumni Award from Trent University. He is a fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.  He is also a winner of the Estelle Klein and Jackie Washing ton Awards for his contributions to the Canadian Roots music world. He has won and been nominated for two Juno Awards, as well as winning the English Songwriter of the Year Award in 2010 from the Canadian Folk Music Awards. 

In the winter of 2020 Ian taught a songwriting course for Chelsea teenagers at the Mill Road Community Space in Chelsea through the auspices of City Folk and Bluesfest. He also has been teaching an advanced songwriting class in Wakefield at Earl’s Hall. In March, Ian will be touring on Vancouver Island. In the fall he will renew teaching songwriting to students at Carleton university. 

April will mark the re-release of his album Magnetic North. The album has been remastered and will be released. The Record Store and Precision Records are aiding with the manufacture and re-release of this Juno nominated album.

A full touring schedule continued in March on the west coast until the Covid -19 pandemic intervened.. See his website at www.iantamblyn.com for future concerts

This summer Ian will be spending time on Lake Superior canoeing and writing. In the fall of 2020 Ian hopes to resume his regular touring schedule with performances in Ottawa, Kingston, Perth and Toronto.  (Not much luck there!)

In recent months Ian has written several articles on music for the “Folk Roots Canada” website and he is currently researching and writing a new play set in the Gatineaus entitled Ice Storm.

In the Fall of 2020 Ian began recording his next release with the working title, A Longing for Innocence. It will mark his forty-fifth recording as an independent artist.
