Rita Finnigan and Jay Kassirer – Sing-Along Song Circle

Join us for a sing-along song circle, learn how they work, and find out about song circles in your Ottawa neighborhood. As we go round the circle, each participant will have a turn to sing, lead or request a tune, or pass. Unless otherwise instructed by the current song leader, the group sings along, adding in harmonies and instrumental leads. When it is your turn, you call the shots – so you can sing a song yourself, ask us to come in on the choruses only, or whatever your heart desires. All acoustic instruments and musical styles are welcome.

Jay and Rita met each other singing around a campfire over ten years ago, and have performed together as a husband-wife duo for the past three years. They sing a wide range of folk tunes, and popular tunes from the 40s onwards, including many sing-along songs, as well as their own originals. They have been influenced by many musicians, both professional and non-professional, the earliest of which were their mothers who sang to them often when they were young.

Jay and Rita have a passion for group singing. They lead four drop-in song circles a month at various times and locations in the west end of Ottawa, where participants take turns requesting, leading or performing folk music, show tunes, blues tunes, jazz tunes, and other singable popular music with choruses; details: http://www.cullbridge.com/West-Ottawa-Song-Circle.html. Last summer, they launched the Britannia Coffeehouse’s ongoing Sunday Serenades Series (near Britannia Beach and Mud Lake Conservation area). Artist inquiries are invited (it’s ‘pass the hat’). Details: http://www.cullbridge.com/music.html

